I was listening to an interview with Coleman Hughes. He’s written a book titled “The End of Race Politics” Argument for a Colorblind America. I have not read it, and until I stumbled upon the interview, I’d never heard of Coleman. However, as someone who has considered the subject matter and the counter-culture argument against it, I listened to the interview with interest.
If you’d like a taste, here are three minutes of Coleman Hughes for your consideration (Full Interview on Spotify).
This is the part where I don’t tell you anything else about that but instead take you down the tangent it inspired. Sorry, that happens to be how my mind works. If being colorblind is bad, then what does that mean? Your default must be to judge people by appearances. You will see their skin color and, presumably, their culture, background, and whatever else is observable. You shall categorize people by their sex, gender, age, weight, height, hair, dress, and habits.
How is refusing to judge people for being fat, blonde, gay, or straight any less privileged than refusing to judge people by the color of their skin? That’s what it means. Thou shalt see color. Why? To what end? If you ask the people studies people - the credentialed idiot class and their media and entertainment homunculi - it is becasue white people are racist. I know that sounds stupid, but it invites more than ridicule. These same people are obsessed with hate crime as if that makes crime worse. These are some of the same people who accuse the authorities who would level such accusations on top of real crime with pig-piling charges on people becasue of the color of the skin they claim they have to see (presuming here that they meant for hate crimes to apply to white people - which many do).
The problem is more than skin deep.
If you have to see color (colorblindness being verboten), how is race-based hate crime anything more than entrapment? If I cannot view any interaction with another person outside a visible characteristic, how can any action between us not be based on this mandate?
I tried to be colorblind, your honor, but the “victim” wouldn’t let me.
The natural propagation of this standard, legally, can’t help but perpetuate across the entirety of the human experience. Forced as we are to see color, social justice, and “equity” demands that we see faith, sex, and so on and make judgments as a matter of course. Stereotyping by cultural force, because to claim otherwise, would be sexist or anti-Semitic, and I think you get the picture.
Hate crimes for everyone judged as such by the people who refused to let you be colorblind. It is peddled as justice. It is, of course, silly and nothing of the kind. It is the proglodytes breaking things to break them, and anyone who thinks they are doing it for them is the victim of race-based crime. They are using you to accumulate power they will later use against you in the same way Muslims can drink, smoke, or break any religious law that exists in their faith if they do it in the name of expanding the faith.
You are being used, and the real race-based hate crime is convincing people of color to hate anyone who disagrees with the idea that colorblindness is racist, even if they are a person of color.
Colorblindness is the highest good because the natural propagation of this standard can’t help but perpetuate it throughout the entirety of the human experience.
If you want people to accept you for who you are and what you are capable of without regard to any observable characteristic, you can’t insist that colorblindness is a bad thing. But people do, and pushing back against it is labeled as racist, which - when not demonstrably or legally true - is probably a hate crime if those actually existed.
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